The following is to be used as a tool to reinforce and measure student growth regarding the 10 Guiding Principles of the Academy. We will be taking time during the interim report period of each nine weeks to review student achievement. The primary function of this rubric is as a self-assessment; however, after filling out this assessment form, each student must identify at least two areas to discuss in greater detail. The first area addressed should concern a design principle that he/she feels successfully demonstrates his/her individual growth as a member of the academy. The second area should be in regards to a principle he/she regards as a weakness to be further developed.
Each student is to write at least a page in final copy format, and turn it in with this completed form. Emphasis is placed on citing specifics examples to support ideas and observations. All student work will be reviewed by the instructors with conferences set as needed. Copies of this assessment will be given back to the students as well as placed in their individual files.
- Student applies the learning process that occurs in the outdoors to classroom learning situations
- Student demonstrates a commitment to developing their character through outdoor & academic challenges
- Student makes decisions separate from extrinsic desires
Self - Discovery
- Student continuously creates his/her own questions and pursues his/her answers
- Student draws upon past knowledge and applies knowledge to new situations
- Student demonstrates the application of research in generating his/her own ideas
Creative Thinking
- Student shows respect for others' ideas
- Student displays a willingness to take risks in order to pursue his/her ideas
- Student takes time to generate a multitude of ideas before beginning work
- Student uses time effectively to meet identified goals
- Student seeks feedback from peers and makes revisions
- Student follows directions and goes beyond minimum expectations
- Student checks for accuracy and precision while displaying a high regard for craftsmanship
Collegiality & Competition
- Student respects others and listens with an open mind
- Student addresses conflict with and individual or crew directly, constructively, and confidentially
- Student places the interests of the crew before his or her own
- Student seeks opportunities to fully develop existing skills and talents for personal growth and enjoyment
Success & Failure
- Student displays perseverance when the solution to a problem is not readily apparent
- Student seeks advice and criticism from others about individual work
- Student shows a desire to overcome failure
Diversity & Inclusion
- Student listens to others with understanding and empathy
- Student shows evidence of defining and sharing responsibilities among crew members
- Student seeks to understand and accurately share ideas from diverse perceptions in an accurate and responsible way
The Environmental Ethos
- Student displays a cognizant and compassionate behavior toward the environment around him/her
- Student perceives the delicate worth, value, and relationship of everything and everyone he/she encounters
- Student will understand the lessons of recurring cycles and cause/effect relationships
Solitude & Reflection
- Student independently reflects on and accurately assesses own performance for continued growth
- Student is aware of what he/she knows and what he/she needs to know when confronted by an issue that requires problem solving
- Student sets aside time to explain his/her own thoughts, make his/her own connections, and create his/her own ideas
Stewards of the Community
- Student demonstrates commitment to the well-being of the community
- Student displays civic-mindedness and social values
- Student increases self-awareness and self-worth through meaningful service