Health, physical education, and outdoor expeditions are interspersed with each other over the two year time frame. The interrelationships between the three areas will be emphasized.The physical education program will be centered on each student. Students will be assessed individually regarding level of physical fitness to be followed by a fitness plan developed to meet not only the personal needs of the individual, but also the demands of the outdoor expeditions. Furthermore, an effort will be made to introduce students to a variety of other outdoor activities such as: bicycling, scuba, skin diving, canoeing and rock climbing. Each student will be expected to demonstrate a knowledge of the process of becoming fit, i.e., training methods, nutrition, and the adaptation of the body and mind to fitness training. Freshmen are expected to show swimming proficiency as part of the course.
As part of the credit earned for physical education, students will be required to participate on several outdoor expeditions. Students will be expected to participate by planning, carrying out and evaluating each trip. A journal will be required in which students are asked to record pre-trip planning, a day-by-day entry, and a post trip evaluation. The emphasis is on each student to respond to the challenges of the trip, physically, mentally and socially.